
Village Development Programme

Kadamba has been involving itself in rural development and micro management activities like "Village Development Planning" in many villages "NAKSHE" is one of those villages in Uttara Kannada district. Whereas Kadamba had co-ordinated the programmes in Nakshe village with assistance of NABARD.

NABARD had adopted this village through Kadamba as a 100% insurance covering village.

Subsequently, the other development plans have been stalled because of lack of NABARD grant.

But, other multi dimensional socio-economic activities from Kadamba is going on still in this village, like horticulture development, Health referral services, and Rural marketing initiatives for supporting our farmers as well as rural entrepreneurs.

  • The Kadamba volunteers and the local Zilla Panchayat member Smt,Shobha Naik are interacting with the villagers in NAKSHE village in Sirsi (Uttara Kannada District)

  • The AGM from NABARD is briefing about village development planning to the villagers.

  • The paticipants in the planning session in NAKSHE village

  • One of the village development seminar in Nakshe village, conducted by NABARD